A Raft Guide’s Journey on Shoulder Surgery and Rehabilitation

A Raft Guide’s Journey on Shoulder Surgery and Rehabilitation

I remember how nervous I was on my first day of guide school. I had already invested so much time and money into something in which I had no clue. The thrill of the unknown made me feel more alive than ever. From the moment I set foot in the raft I felt this immense feeling of satisfaction and adrenaline which instantly had me addicted.

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Peak Adventure Content

Top 5 Toronto Spots for the Outdoor Enthusiast

Toronto is the urban centre of Canada. In being such, having the time and finding a place to do anything outdoorsy can be a daunting task for someone having to deal with both the harshness of winter and the ever-spreading urban sprawl of the city itself. But, whenever...

What’s Guiding In Japan Like? How I Grew As A River Guide In Japan.

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The Impacts & Benefits of Tourism: Greening an Industry – Part One

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The Impacts & Benefits of Tourism: Greening an Industry – Part Three

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A Raft Guide’s Journey on Shoulder Surgery and Rehabilitation

I remember how nervous I was on my first day of guide school. I had already invested so much time and money into something in which I had no clue. The thrill of the unknown made me feel more alive than ever. From the moment I set foot in the raft I felt this immense feeling of satisfaction and adrenaline which instantly had me addicted.

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