Why Brand Identity and Design is Important
Understanding Brand Identity
Feeling the Sun
Colour sets the tone. Temperature sets the mood. The idea that there is design in nature is not only appealing, but it is the foundation of what stimulates our senses. The link between structure and function on a biological level is a perfect illustration of how design influences our experience of nature.
Imagine the Moroccan sun holding you hostage. The dry heat beams down, warming your outer layers like clothes fresh out of the laundry. In the distance, the bend in the river has giant orange cliff walls inviting you in to find relief in its shadows – if only for a moment.

Chelsey V.
Author | PAC Founder
Chelsey has skills that stretch all over the map. From teaching graphic design and animation to guiding rafting tours down the Ahansel River in Morocco, she is always ready to learn more and explore something new. She keeps up to date with the rapidly changing media industry by researching upcoming methods and practicing new techniques to improve her skills. She has pursued training in whitewater all over the world - even if it meant learning Japanese. She relaxes in her downtime by doing yoga and playing the ukulele.
What key identifying features shaped this memory?
The facts are: I was working for a worldwide expedition company with its base in a small village called Ouaouizeght; I was guiding tourist groups down the Ahansal river in heart of the Atlas Mountains; and these multi-day trips were filled with standard expedition tasks such as packing/unpacking, cooking, cleaning, prepping camp, and steering the boats through technical, low-water terrain.
But the facts aren’t what captured the essence of this memory. It was the feelings and sensations that stimulated my senses. It was the Arabic road signs, the smiling children running in their dusty sandals, the brightly coloured silk fabrics that disguised the locals, and the high-noon sun reflecting the muddy water after a flash rain washed the orange silt off of the rocky banks.
What does this have to do with brand identity? This is simple: design.
Design everywhere in the world around us. The elements and principles of design include things like colour, contrast, emphasis, movement, rhythm, texture, and unity. When things are well-designed within the constraints of these principles, they stimulate your senses. The towering orange cliffs, for example, showcased a unique colour palette that can be quickly identified as a High Atlas, Moroccan landscape.
If a design is memorable, that means it is identifiable. This theory can be applied to how companies can effectively use good design to establish a brand identity and build a strong foundation for their branding image.

Brand Identity
What does it mean to have a brand identity?
A brand is how the world perceives your company. A brand identity is the collection of all unified elements and its connection to how the company portrays its image to the consumer. This is what makes you instantly recognizable to the world. Your audience will associate your brand identity with your product or service, establishing a connection between you and your customers.
Branding is the set of actions you take to establish roots in your brand. It is a term interchangeable with brand image and it is important because it helps you build a repository of elements you can use to build unified materials for your brand. You can see examples of this in some of Peak Adventure’s client projects such as Love and Peace for All and Camp Arowhon.
Why is brand identity important?
Creative constraints are effective design rules that help keep your brand identity on the right track. By having a well-developed Brand Standards Manual or Style Guide, you will be able to further develop your brand identity with consistency to keep your brand image unified and recognizable.
By following the guidelines developed for your company’s brand, you will build recognition that will help you stand out from your competition. It will help you create consistency in your brand that gives your customers a trusted and positive experience, preparing you for long-term success. It also helps spark a connection with your audience and can create a sense of loyalty to your brand.

Digital Design
What is graphic design?
By definition, graphic design is the art of visual communication that combines imagery and words to portray an idea or information to an audience. Basically, graphic design communicates a message or idea in a visually refined way. But a lot goes into developing a design, from the psychology of colours and typography to effectively adhering to the elements and principles of graphic design.
How is graphic design used in branding?
Digital design is all about developing appealing visuals to communicate and promote a product or service in a way that reinforces that company’s brand identity. Whether it’s a poster or a car decal, working within the creative constraints of the brand style guidelines will ensure any graphic design made for your company helps boost your branding image.
Check out another Peak Adventure client project like Collective Soul Evolution for an example.
How has graphic design evolved?
Some of the earliest graphic designs included typography for print materials such as books and newspapers. This really started to explode at the start of the 20th century during the wars when propaganda posters and “We Want You” slogans were capturing people’s attention. Jumping forward to the 1970s, computer-generated designs started to be explored and become the mainstream method of design development.
Today, graphic design isn’t just limited to a printed poster. Motion graphics have also become prominent in enhancing digital designs from animated infographics to displaying video information (ie. name and career title in a video interview) in a visually appealing way. The elements and principles of design still apply whether the graphics made for your brand image are in motion or sent to the printers.

A Life of Design
Bring design into your life. The more tuned in you are to the sensations around you, the easier and quicker you will be able to identify their importance and the role they play in your surroundings.
Whether you find pleasure in the colourful sights of a small Berber village in Northern Africa or running your fingers through freshly cut, luscious green grass in your backyard reflects your warm smile into the beaming sun, design plays a key part in how you interact with your environment.
For professional graphic design work send Peak Adventure and email today: info@peakadventure.ca
check out some of the branding work Peak Adventure has created: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFgMCFvNQYw&list=PL-GwmO0Y8b6vqmLpxu1NfUqLh2w4JgWk-
Learn more about Peak Adventure’s brand: https://peakadventure.co/journal/pac-core-values/
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